The second half of Bernard Cooper's "Maps To Anywhere" was my favorite portion of the book. I felt more drawn to the stories written in that half. As different as Bernard Cooper's stories are, I really enjoy them. My favorite piece of his would have to be his story entitled "Que SerĂ¡ SerĂ¡" which is Spanish for "What will be will be" and I have always lived by this quote since I was a young girl. Multiple things play into my enjoyment of this piece. I love how Cooper uses the world ending as an event that could change the world. This story embraces my desire to not just want to wait, but also to accept things as is. Fate is fate, there's a bigger plan. Don't be like Cinderella, don't wait. If everybody waited around for something to happen things would be boring. I like a little mystery. In the story it says, "Do you ever say, "I wish it was now"? No. You wish it was an hour from now, or years ago" I agree with this a hundred percent. Nobody ever wants to just know about "Now", they want to wish for something to happen so in the long run they benefit, or wish that what they wanted to happen actually happened before so that they would not be in the situation they are. This is by far, my favorite story that Bernard Cooper has wrote. I think he did a phenomenal job and I loved reading it.
I enjoyed reading a number of other stories. "The Hurricane Ride" was full of detail and imagery. The way Cooper wrote this made me feel like I was there, witnessing the events, seeing all of the action. I don't know if I particularly appreciated that, because I became a little dizzy, but I credit him to being a great writer and using imagery to capture my attention. My second favorite story in the second half of this book is "Say "Cheese"" because it reminds me of my mother and the hobby kicks she goes on, one of her latest being photography. Cooper writes about things that are diverse in how you can relate to them. Everyone has that one relative that takes tons of pictures, which is why Cooper is a genius. He can take simple events and suck his audience in because he knows that at one point or another they will relate and be amazed.